Friday, February 17, 2012

First steps...again!

Most of us have probably heard the old  quote: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  Well, I need these few baby steps over the past week to be my journey's start.  I'm guilty of starting this weight loss expedition one too many times.  I've done well for awhile and then something happens and I'm lost again.  I have a good 160 lbs to lose to get to my desired goal weight of 150 lbs, a healthy ideal weight for my height and frame size. I haven't seen that weight since maybe early junior high or late elementary but I'm determined to get there.  My health has not be the greatest.  My blood pressure has been out of control and it doesn't seem to reliably be controlled with medicine either. It's frustrating and my newest pill seems to have helped me add a good 15 lbs.  Not what I needed already being quite heavy.  I know from experience in the last 7-8 years that losing weigh greatly regulates my blood pressure.  I know, and believe, key is for me to start with small mini goals and baby step my way through this journey.

I'll be developing an exercise plan I can write out in a calendar to check off. I've been fairly regularly tracking my foods on my online diary food tracker with myfitnesspal. Now to step it up and keep at my goal or just under.  And increase on my activity levels so I can burn calories and work towards my first goal of 285.  My first 25 lb increment.  My goal is to reach this by Mother's Day, May 13th.  I will be so pleased to be able to wear all my jeans and pants again that have been too tight or uncomfortable to wear.  I really don't like living in these sweat pants.  Its made me avoid going out and doing things as I have nothing to wear.